Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Park WOD - September 21, 2010

Tuesday's WO was:

AMRAP in 20 of:

5 Push ups
10 SDLHP with kettlebell
15 double unders


Derek - 22 +push ups
David - 12 + push ups
Alexa - 13 + push ups + 5 SDLHP
Tony - 13 +push ups + SDLHP
Alexia - 13 + pushups

Sunday, September 19, 2010

People Look at You Kind of Crazy... - Park WOD - September 18, 2010

It's true... They look at you kind of crazy when they see this big medicine ball being tossed over a volleyball net. You hear comments like, "I wonder how much that weighs?" and " That looks heavy!" Sometimes they just shake their heads in disbelief.

We spent another day at the park -- different park, same heat. It started with some hooverball to warm up, this time with a lighter ball -- 8# instead of 14#. This allowed the ball to be more easily caught, thrown, etc.

After hooverball was the WO.

Today it was:

3 rounds for time of:

200M spring
20 KB swings
20 push ups


Alexa - 10:48
Crystal - 9:16
David - 8:17
Jen - 6:30
Jill - 10:24
Lauriel - 7:26
Tony - 17:47

Friday, September 17, 2010

It Is What It Is - Park WOD - September 17, 2010

It is what it is... We talked a little about that phrase today. The WOD is the WOD, no matter what environment. No matter what you are feeling, no matter how you have eaten. It doesn't matter what day it is, what time or day it is, or what the temperature is. It doesn't matter who you are working out with, whether it is sunny, hot, cloudy, cold... Whether you are tired, hungover, hungry, preoccupied. The WOD is what it is... You're results are what they are, for that given moment in time... That given situation... Good... or bad... it is what it is. Did you finish? Good. Did you do better than you thought? Good. Did you persevere? Good. Did you do your best? Good. Did you just DO??? Good. It is what it is...

Today's WO

4 rounds for time of :

400M run
50 squats

107 degrees...

It is what it is...

No one gave in...
No one stopped...
One rep at a time...
One round at a time...

Alexa - 15:35
David - 14:35
Jill - 17:03
Tony - 22:26

It is what it is...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Park WOD - September 14, 2010

I will keep posting and adding to these, as we do the workouts in the park while CF PHX is temporarily closed.

Today's WO was created by the devious Ms. Jen Roberts! Thanks J!!!

21-15-9 of

DB Hang power snatch (R)
DB Hang power snatch (L)
DB thruster (R)
DB thruster (L)
Everyone worked with appropriate weights, from 20# through 40#.

Times and weights were:

Alexa 20# 13:07
Derek 40# 8:35
Jill 20# 12:??
Lauriel 30# 10:10
Tony 35# 17:37
David 30# 12:56
Jen 25# 8:38

Friday, September 10, 2010

CrossFit Phoenix Hits the Park!

Time to get caught up...
With the head coaches on vacation, CrossFit Phoenix continued workouts -- in the park. Posts will continue from this point forward, so we can track our efforts while the coaches are away. Below is a run-down of workouts thus far.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hooverball Fun!!!

We did away with the rules and just played for fun. We threw tha ball over the net and caught it. We switched teams and rotated so that people were faced off against different people throughout the game. If you dropped the ball 3 times you had to draw a penalty exercise out of the "hat" to perform. The # of penalties went to 5 penalties, as we got tired. But I don't think we ever laughed as hard as we did this morning.

After Hooverball, Jen put us through:

AMRAP in 10 of
15 kettlebell swings
10 goblet squats
5 push presses (each arm)
If you set down the kettlebell you had to perform 5 burpees (no one set down the kettlebell!!!)

Total complete rounds (I know some of you got more but I don't know how much):
Alexa - 6 rounds
Alexia - 4 rounds
David - 4 rounds
Jill - 6 rounds
Lauriel - 6 rounds
Tony - 4 rounds

Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11 WO on your own (Lauriel and Derek at CF Scottsdale)

Friiday, September 10, 2010
Rest day

Thursday, September 9, 2010
ShuttleRun in the Sun
Sprint to 1st station, complete 25 burpees
Sprint back to start, complete 25 double unders
Sprint to 2nd station, complete 50 kettlebell swings
Sprint back to start, complete 25 double unders
Sprint to 3rd station, complete 50 squats
Sprint back to start, complete 25 double unders
Sprint to 3rd station, complete walking lunges to 4th station
Sprint back to start, complete 25 double unders
Sprint to 4th station, complete walking lunges back to 3rd station
Sprint back to start, complete 25 double unders
Sprint to 3rd station, complete 50 squats
Sprint back tp start, complete 25 double unders
Sprint to 2nd station, complete 50 kettlebell swings
Sprint back to start, complete 25 double unders
Sprint to 1st station, complete 25 burpees
Sprint back to start, complete 25 double unders

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Warm up
30 second handstand hold into 30 second bottom-of-squat hold
5 rounds

200 push ups for time
Every time you break, perform 5 squats

Monday, September 6, 2010

Tony's Playground
Teams of two
One person performs 10 sandbag squats, sprints to next station and performs 10 more sandbag squats, sprints back.
Second person perfoms 5 kettlebell swings, runs to 2nd station and perfoms 5 box jumps, runs to 3rd station and performs 5 burpees. Follows stations back
At 5 minutes, switch positions

Friday, September 3, 2010

3 rounds for time of:
20 kettlebell swings
40m sandbag sprint
20 thrusters (bar)
40m sandbag spring
20 box jumps
40m sandbag sprint

Thursday, September 2, 2010

3 rounds for time, rest 1 minute between each round
5 stations, work 1 minute at each station. At end of minute, rotate to next station.

Kettlebell swings
Walking lunges
Push ups
Clean and jerks
Sit ups

Thursday, September 9, 2010

“Save Money, Live Better”

Let me start by saying that this is not necessarily a rant against Walmart. Walmart doesn’t come up with their advertising campaigns and slogans, they hire some huge company to create the campaign and the slogans and ads that go along with it. This is really a rant about the irony of the slogan, “Save Money, Live Better”

It’s a tagline, “Save Money, Live Better”. It is a part of their brand. You will find it under their name on their website. It’s on the radio, and on TV. On their corporate website, they say, “In everything we do, we’re driven by a common mission: Saving people money so they can live better."

I get the “saving people money” part. They sell things at price points considerably less than other places. People can save money by shopping there. Yet, here is the irony… the issue I have. The rest of the tagline says “Live better” – “Saving people money so they can live better”. When I first heard a Walmart ad on the radio this week, it used the tagline after talking about the discounts being offered on Ruffles potato chips, Totino’s pizza rolls, Campbell’s chunky soup, and Pepsi. I ask you this… How is eating the crap going to help me, or anyone else, live a better life??? Seriously! The next ad I heard said, “Walmart is helping people save money so they can live a better life”. It advertised Doritos, Wonder Bread, and something frozen. Again, I ask… how is eating this crap going to help me, or anyone else, live a better life?

I started to investigate, like I usually do. Walmart has a website set up called They are posting testimonials from customers on how they are “living better”. They are “living better” because they are saving money, and using that money for different things. They are “splurging” on things, buying “fun” things, “eating out more”. They are repurposing the money. But are they “living better”???

Stay with me…

They are repurposing the money saved – for other things, things that they would not normally purchase or do. But perhaps, they should be using that money to buy or do healthier things. They are saving money by purchasing a bunch of crap – processed food, junk food, frozen food. UNHEALTHY FOOD. How is purchasing unhealthy food going to help anyone LIVE BETTER? Is it possible, that in the long run, by purchasing all this crap and saving money, that they would ultimately not be living better? That they may gain weight? Get sick? And therefore, be unable to do things that they would otherwise do? Is that living better? Would they be better off spending more to get the things that are less processed, healthier, natural, etc. and potentially be healthier, and have a better opportunity to truly “live better”?

Do you see the irony???

Let me know your thoughts. Post to comments!!