Time to get caught up...
With the head coaches on vacation, CrossFit Phoenix continued workouts -- in the park. Posts will continue from this point forward, so we can track our efforts while the coaches are away. Below is a run-down of workouts thus far.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Hooverball Fun!!!
We did away with the rules and just played for fun. We threw tha ball over the net and caught it. We switched teams and rotated so that people were faced off against different people throughout the game. If you dropped the ball 3 times you had to draw a penalty exercise out of the "hat" to perform. The # of penalties went to 5 penalties, as we got tired. But I don't think we ever laughed as hard as we did this morning.
After Hooverball, Jen put us through:
AMRAP in 10 of
15 kettlebell swings
10 goblet squats
5 push presses (each arm)
If you set down the kettlebell you had to perform 5 burpees (no one set down the kettlebell!!!)
Total complete rounds (I know some of you got more but I don't know how much):
Alexa - 6 rounds
Alexia - 4 rounds
David - 4 rounds
Jill - 6 rounds
Lauriel - 6 rounds
Tony - 4 rounds
Saturday, September 11, 2010
9/11 WO on your own (Lauriel and Derek at CF Scottsdale)
Friiday, September 10, 2010
Rest day
Thursday, September 9, 2010
ShuttleRun in the Sun
Sprint to 1st station, complete 25 burpees
Sprint back to start, complete 25 double unders
Sprint to 2nd station, complete 50 kettlebell swings
Sprint back to start, complete 25 double unders
Sprint to 3rd station, complete 50 squats
Sprint back to start, complete 25 double unders
Sprint to 3rd station, complete walking lunges to 4th station
Sprint back to start, complete 25 double unders
Sprint to 4th station, complete walking lunges back to 3rd station
Sprint back to start, complete 25 double unders
Sprint to 3rd station, complete 50 squats
Sprint back tp start, complete 25 double unders
Sprint to 2nd station, complete 50 kettlebell swings
Sprint back to start, complete 25 double unders
Sprint to 1st station, complete 25 burpees
Sprint back to start, complete 25 double unders
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Warm up
30 second handstand hold into 30 second bottom-of-squat hold
5 rounds
200 push ups for time
Every time you break, perform 5 squats
Monday, September 6, 2010
Tony's Playground
Teams of two
One person performs 10 sandbag squats, sprints to next station and performs 10 more sandbag squats, sprints back.
Second person perfoms 5 kettlebell swings, runs to 2nd station and perfoms 5 box jumps, runs to 3rd station and performs 5 burpees. Follows stations back
At 5 minutes, switch positions
Friday, September 3, 2010
3 rounds for time of:
20 kettlebell swings
40m sandbag sprint
20 thrusters (bar)
40m sandbag spring
20 box jumps
40m sandbag sprint
Thursday, September 2, 2010
3 rounds for time, rest 1 minute between each round
5 stations, work 1 minute at each station. At end of minute, rotate to next station.
Kettlebell swings
Walking lunges
Push ups
Clean and jerks
Sit ups
1 comment:
I was 9/11 work out at Cross Fit Scottsdale. I was the first group.
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